Self Care for Authors

The health of your body and mind play a huge part in what you do, say, and feel.

Mindset Matters

My experience with ovarian cancer in 2014 changed everything.

Work stopped. Time slowed.

During months of treatment and recovery, mindful practices influenced all aspects of my health.

Failure to listen to my body put my life in peril.

Ignoring messages of pain, fatigue, and distress came with a high cost.

And, unexpected gifts.

Post Traumatic Growth

Psychologists Tedeschi and Calhoun created the Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) to measure positive changes in five areas:

1. Personal strength

2. New possibilities

3. Relationships

4. Appreciation of life

5. Spiritual change

Prior to cancer, I didn't know what I had to lose.

A shift to being grateful for my health influences what I eat, relationships, work, media I consume, and how I spend my time.

Physical exercise anchored my wellness journey. I sat on a physioball when I didn't have the strength to stand during a workout. Being committed kept me going to the gym during treatment.

It was part of making life normal.

Expecting my body to heal, helped me recover.

I gained a better understanding of how to build muscle and maintain wellness.

Mindfulness is at the core of my physical training.

Rebuilding abdominal strength required hours of training and attention to my core. Already a fan of Pilates pre-surgery, I came to relish my training sessions as I got stronger. In fact, without this ground-up reboot, I would not have had the courage or strength to learn TRX. Mindfulness at the gym fueled curiosity about meditation for my brain.

As an author, you use visualization tools to create stories.

Why not apply the power of visualization to your health?

It is my belief visualization and mindfulness are integral to wellness and writing.

Is meditation right for you?

Benefits of Meditation

  • Boosts creativity
  • Improves physical health
  • Balances emotions
  • Improves relationships
  • Decreases stress
  • Ability to focus
  • More energy
  • Improved immune function

What Can You Do?

Your Ability to Solve Problems Multiplies with Mindfulness

BJ Fogg, PhD, neuroscientist is the genius author of Tiny Habits. If you don't know his work, make sure to visit his website. He created a behavior model for habits. I agree with BJ, habits are recipes for happiness.

Habits take the guess work out of what and when of behavior. Habits save time, energy, and reduce stress. Apply the Tiny Habits behavior model to create the habits you want to cultivate. The old idea that willpower is what get us across the finish line is replaced by choosing actions and triggers for what we know we want and making it easy to adopt behaviors. Three of the top take-aways to the method:

Begin by being kind to yourself.

Do the smallest possible step.

Celebrate your wins.

Patience and equanimity flow from mindfulness.

If you are new to meditation, or if you are hesitant, there is hope.

A plethora of apps are available to guide you.

I recommend trying a few to find what works for you.

Popular apps:


Ten Percent



Read about these apps in an article on healthline.

Ten Percent is an immersive experience and fits my style. Meditation lessons with a sense of humor. Sessions take a few minutes and the app tracks my journey. Journalist Dan Harris created the app based on his book, 10% Happier. You may also enjoy the Ten Percent Happier Podcast. Dan talks about his struggles with meditation, interviews remarkable guests, and brings in bonus meditations lead by some of the top meditation teachers in the world.

Neuroscience has measured the effects of taking a single deep breath. One breath will calm your nervous system in seconds.

Imagine living without being caught up in drama and fear.

Access the powerful resources you have within with the practice of meditation.

You will be able to feel and recognize your emotions without having them overtake you.

Explore the following ten simple steps to reduce stress and improve focus.

You'll have more energy and presence to write, share your message, and reach readers with your book.

10 Daily Steps for Less Stress #infographic

You can also find more infographics at Visualistan

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